What age groups do you take in?
Our junior section covers Years 3-6 (mini) to Years 7-11 (junior).

Can parents stay and watch?
Parents are welcome to sit and watch training sessions from sideline.

How much does it cost?
Our training costs vary depending on the number of weeks in a term. For more information, please visit the Junior Netball booking page below.

What is affiliation and how much does it cost?
All members of Footloose Netball Club are required to affiliate to the All England Netball Association (AENA). The exact cost varies each year but as a guide, this normally costs around £19 for those under 18, £10 for those under 14 and £7 for those under 11. Following a trial session, this will need to be purchased for junior members via the AENA ENgage system.

Can boys play?
Yes, boys are welcome to participate in the mini netball sessions (Years 3-6) but it is girls only for Years 7 onwards.



What level of netball is required to join?
We welcome all levels. Our club is about having fun, learning new skills, making new friends, growing confidence all with the shared love of netball! We offer an initial training session as a freebie so that you can come long to see if you like it before committing to joining up as a paying member.

When & where do you train?
All our junior sessions run from 6.00pm – 7.00pm on a Tuesday night, with our seniors immediately after until 9.00pm.
All groups currently train outdoors at Bishop Luffa School, Chichester.

How much does it cost to join Footloose Netball Club as an adult member?
Our current membership fees are £20 per month which is payable on the 1st of the month by standing order. This covers your training costs and all league entry fees. In addition, all members are required to be affiliated to the All England Netball Association (AENA) within the first month of joining. Please see below for more information.

What is affiliation and how much does it cost?
All members of Footloose Netball Club are required to affiliate to the All England Netball Association (AENA). The exact cost varies each year but as a guide, this normally costs around £45 for members 18 and over, £19 for those under 18. Following your trial session, this will need to be purchased via the AENA ENgage system.

What should I wear, and what kit do I need?
For training sessions members should come ready to play in suitable gym kit with supportive trainers, with hair tied back and no jewellery. Finger nails should be trimmed short to avoid injuring other players. Don’t forget water too.

What level of commitment is expected for the club?
We are a friendly club but expect members to attend as many training sessions as possible. If your are unable to attend for any reason, you should notify your lead coach by mobile as soon as possible before the training session. It helps to know numbers for session planning.

Are there opportunities to play in a league?
We are fortunate to enter adult teams into the Chichester league. The number of teams we enter depends on the number of members who wish to play competitively. If you are interested in playing each week in a league, please do let us know when you join.

How can I help the club, or get more involved?
If you want to help us fundraise, or have a skill that you think we can put to good use, why not speak to one of our coaches or committee. Alternatively drop us a line through our enquiry form and we will be in touch.